How Co-Working Has Led to Partnerships for Tech-Led Creative Agency Woolly Mammoth

In Collaboration with Broadsheer
Author, Broadsheet
Photography by Broadsheet


“Awesome shit” is listed on Woolly Mammoth’s about us page, among service offerings like branding, UX research, UI design, 3D, apps and strategy. And rightly so: the technology-led creative agency crafts world-class digital products, brands and experiences – highly technical stuff, but far from boring.

Sam Logan

“We build cool shit for teams with too much on their plate,” Woolly Mammoth founder Sam Logan says. Clients range from startups and e-commerce businesses – including Neuw Denim, Rollas and Abrand – to mining companies and Australian shopping centre giant Westfield.

Woolly Mammoth’s growing portfolio of clients is impressive on its own – but even more so given the business started out as a one-man show. It’s now a team of eight that works from Darlinghurst co-working hub Desk Space, which Logan says has been a big part of his agency’s growth.

“The collaboration with other startups at Desk Space has been really great,” says Logan, who joined the co-working space in 2018. “It’s been the best place to meet other founders and to collaborate on projects.”

The collaborative workspace is home to a slate of businesses across beauty, programming, AI, health, finance and more – many of which Woolly Mammoth has made "awesome shit" for.

With Atelier, which helps beauty and wellness brands create any product at scale, Logan’s business helped lead their early-tech direction, including structuring an onshore development team. It also played a large part in developing their online platform, including the 3D visualisation of beauty products that Atelier customers can create online.

Particular Audience works with big brands like Calvin Klein to harness AI, and Woolly Mammoth has helped them by overseeing the design and development of their B2B and B2C websites, as well as designing key elements for their online platform.

For digital health and telemedicine company Health Bank, Woolly Mammoth designed the core user journey of their mobile and web applications, enabling patients to easily track their core health and biometric stats.

Driva, which takes the hard work out of applying for car and personal loans, is another one of Woolly Mammoth’s clients. The team helped design and develop Driva’s website, and is responsible for Diva’s super speedy quote flows (you’ll get a personalised quote within 60 seconds of plugging in your info).

All four were connections Logan built and fostered in his time at Desk Space.

“Being part of a culture and community of like-minded founders is a wonderful thing,” says Logan. “What’s also wonderful is the fact that all the mundane aspects of office management – like cleaning, internet, electricity and catering – are taken care of. Desk Space takes a lot of responsibility off my shoulders so I can spend more time focused on the work.”

Less time spent ordering office supplies and paying bills also means more time to think about the future.

“Our focus is to continue using next-generation technology, such as 3D, AI – whatever enhances user experiences,” Logan says. (In this context, Logan explains that 3D refers to what happens “when you go to the Apple website, scroll down and things come flying at you ”.) "A lot of agencies are intimidated by AI, but we’re seeing it as an exciting opportunity to improve and enhance what we do,” says Logan.

AI is no threat to Desk Space, either. Being a physical hub for freelancers, entrepreneurs and small-to-medium businesses to congregate and collaborate, as opposed to a virtual one, is exactly why it works. As Desk Space owner Steven Arthur puts it: “I really do believe that there’s a human aspect to the office – it’s not something that can be undervalued.”